Okuma OSP: Not Just Another CNC Machine Control
In 1963 when Numerical Controls (the NC in CNC) for machine tools were gaining popularity, Okuma recognized that optimizing machining performance required all of the component parts to seamlessly work together. That’s when the company decided to develop its own control, OSP (Okuma Sampling Path). What immediately differentiated it from the existing NC controls is that it did not require the machine to return to a fixed reference point when powering up. Instead, Okuma uses an absolute position feedback encoder that memorizes the last machine position.
This initial step toward maximizing performance has evolved into a process Okuma terms Mechatronics, defined as “a merging of mechanical and electrical engineering.” By designing and building all of the key machine, control and software components for its CNC machine tools, Okuma provides a fully integrated manufacturing solution that kicks productivity into high gear.
Mechatronics enables Okuma to build “smarter” CNC machines capable of making decisions automatically, in real time that improve product quality and reduce cycle time. This philosophy also led to the development of Okuma Intelligent Technology including Machining Navi that enables optimum spindle speeds and reduces the affects of chatter, the Thermo-Friendly Concept that deals with thermal deformation, and a Collision Avoidance System (CAS) that uses real-time, 3-D modeling to simulate machine movements and eliminate costly crashes.
The current versions of OSP incorporate Windows-type graphics and functions including pop-up windows, visual cues, realistic 3-D simulation, easy-to-use CAM functions, HTML conformation for improved communications, online programming and remote monitoring.